Your legacy- Our Future
We are incredibly grateful to the following individuals who have chosen to make a planned gift to The Senior Connection:
Lesley Andrus
Carl Bontrager and Kathy Lynn
Kevin and Judy Cahill
Pete and Jannet Cantor
Estate and Jack Crawford
Croy Canyon Fund to Benefit
Blaine County Seniors in the
Idaho Community Foundation
Dr. Joseph and Ellen Fastow
Estate of Athene C. Grabow*
Ruth Lieder
David and Teresa Lipman
Marty and Mila Lyon
Fred Naumann
Friend of DA Outz
Sarich Family Estate
Shelley Seibel
Robert and Margot Shuford
The Corrock Family
Note: If you have made considerations for the Senior Connection in your estate plans and would like to have your name included in the legacy Society membership list, please call the Development office and we would be happy to add your name(s) – 208-788-3468
For more information contact:
The Senior Connection
721 Third Ave. S. Hailey, ID 83333